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Elena Tuzhilina
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistical Sciences,
University of Toronto

Office: #9086, Ontario Power Building

Here is my CV.

About me

I was born in Moscow and received my Specialist's degree (equivalent to B.Sc. + M.Sc.) in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. During my undergraduate studies in pure mathematics I found myself having a growing interest in machine learning and applied statistics, which was fueled by two-year program in Data Science at Yandex School of Data Analysis and my job as a researcher at the SmartCAT Company. In 2022, I completed my PhD studies in the Department of Statistics at Stanford University, where I was lucky to be supervised by Professor Trevor Hastie. Since June 2022, I work as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto.

My scientific interests include machine learning, applied statistics, especially with applications in biology and medicine, and convex optimization.