Simulation in R

To generate a sample from a distribution we use functions with names that start with “r”.

Run the following code line to read the description of the functions.


For example, the following code will generate a random sample of size \(10\) from normal distribution \(N(10,5^2)\)

rnorm(n = 10, mean = 10, sd = 5)
##  [1] 13.526189  7.407752  9.747115  8.478279 10.737673 11.421818 12.787931
##  [8] 11.078982 18.177772  8.676007

and the following code will generate a random sample of size \(5\) from uniform distribution \(Unif(-5,5)\).

runif(n = 5, min = -5, max = 5)
## [1]  4.7700697 -0.9578752  1.9721777 -2.8716686  4.3980985

Now, try to generate a normal sample several times. Note that the generation process in R is random, so every time you get a new sample!

rnorm(n = 10, mean = 10, sd = 5)
##  [1] -0.2861615  5.6289344  0.4543516 14.9408064  6.4048491 14.0050222
##  [7]  9.6469391  1.8574426 20.1448480  9.3619645
rnorm(n = 10, mean = 10, sd = 5)
##  [1] -1.494979  4.612990 14.476594 16.594731  9.018690  7.131331 12.952268
##  [8]  8.826710 20.168714 12.100100
rnorm(n = 10, mean = 10, sd = 5)
##  [1]  9.801491 12.520682  4.442353 11.609474  5.677155  2.491124  8.858177
##  [8]  7.751763  3.511956  8.032030

To create a random sample that can be reproduced we use set.seed(...) function, which sets the “seed” of the random number generator in R. Run the following code and make sure that you get exactly the same results as in this tutorial.

rnorm(n = 10, mean = 10, sd = 5)
##  [1] 16.314771  8.368833 16.648996 16.362147 12.073207  2.300250  5.357165
##  [8]  8.526398  9.971164 22.023267

Central Limit Theorem

In this part we will illustrate the Central Limit Theorem for samples generated from uniform distribution \(Unif(0,10)\).

Recall that the density curve of this distribution looks like a “step” of width \(10\) and height \(0.1\).

Let’s generate one large sample (of size \(1000\)) form \(Unif(0,10)\) and plot the distribution histogram of the sample. It should look similar to the theoretical density.

sample = runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 10)
hist(sample, freq = FALSE, breaks = 10, xlab = "value", ylab = "density")

Also, recall that the theoretical values of the expectation and variance for a random variable \(X\sim Unif(0,10)\) are \(\mu=E(X) = \frac{10-0}{2} = 5\) and \(\sigma^2=Var(X) = \frac{(10-0)^2}{12} = 8.3333\).

mu = (10 - 0)/2
## [1] 5
sigma2 = (10 - 0)^2/12
## [1] 8.333333

Let’s check if these values are consistent with the sample mean and variance.

## [1] 5.000792
## [1] 8.355622

According to CLT, for large \(n\) the distribution of the sample mean \(\bar{X}\) is approximately normal \(N(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{n})\), which, in our case, should be \(N(5, \frac{8.3333}{1000})\).

In general, to find the values of a density curve, use functions that start with “d”, e.g.


To plot the theoretical CLT distribution we first select a grid of values where the density curve will be evaluated.

grid = seq(4.5, 5.5, 0.01)

We use dnorm(...) function to find the value of the density curve of \(N(5, \frac{8.3333}{1000})\) at each point of the grid.

density = dnorm(x = grid, mean = mu, sd = sqrt(sigma2/1000))

Finally, we can plot the density curve.

plot(x = grid, y = density, type = 'l', xlab = "value", ylab = "density")

Let’s use the random sample generation to test the CLT statement for \(n = 1000\). The following code generates one sample of size \(1000\) form \(Unif(0,10)\), and computes the mean of the sample.

mean(runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 10))
## [1] 4.877456

Again, if you re-run the above line multiple times you will get different values of the sample mean (because every time R generates a sample at random), but all of these values will be close to the theoretical expectation \(\mu = 5\).

mean(runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 10))
## [1] 4.917563
mean(runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 10))
## [1] 4.958312
mean(runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 10))
## [1] 5.076849

Instead of copy-pasting the code three times, we can use replicate(...) function. Read the description of this function first:


Essentially, replicate(n = ..., expr = ...) function re-runs the code in the expr argument n times. For instance, the following line will return 500 sample means, where each of the sample was generated from the uniform distribution.

sample_means = replicate(n = 500, expr = mean(runif(n = 1000, min = 0, max = 10)))
##   [1] 5.217300 5.165422 4.843427 5.018413 4.933646 5.076321 4.967200 4.927972
##   [9] 4.961912 5.005764 5.085939 4.775069 5.064276 5.088605 5.104516 4.983642
##  [17] 4.997396 4.905318 4.942314 4.872744 4.944496 4.980214 5.134307 4.843706
##  [25] 5.024972 5.011016 5.072923 5.041315 5.077371 5.019578 5.013767 4.930861
##  [33] 5.063024 4.846047 4.950929 5.192180 5.078764 5.103997 4.992412 4.921227
##  [41] 5.016025 4.968691 5.075156 5.132415 5.030373 5.094945 4.976904 4.915074
##  [49] 5.008027 4.982038 5.083267 5.101863 5.025579 4.954598 4.898961 5.084326
##  [57] 5.008723 5.047986 5.159624 5.033511 5.036293 5.059429 4.934431 4.933351
##  [65] 4.924253 5.069015 5.052752 5.057084 4.876199 4.925773 4.908488 4.998751
##  [73] 5.036396 4.947899 4.905555 4.940761 4.970123 4.938482 4.963757 5.101469
##  [81] 5.004796 4.953499 5.076905 4.921984 4.954352 4.936210 4.752722 5.027816
##  [89] 5.121969 4.921153 5.125787 4.938181 4.988424 4.905817 4.993227 4.937918
##  [97] 5.121506 4.925657 5.233869 4.945638 4.918882 4.996280 5.007090 4.941755
## [105] 4.965421 5.027092 5.152457 5.021611 4.769466 4.927260 4.914808 5.138121
## [113] 5.062017 4.921519 5.003714 5.038364 5.027586 5.065542 5.065774 4.968919
## [121] 4.935020 5.054431 5.005871 4.908535 4.924019 4.855042 5.076179 5.105352
## [129] 5.236473 5.016073 5.070181 4.864323 4.978121 5.090352 4.885587 5.000323
## [137] 5.027487 4.992319 4.832015 5.188923 5.131564 4.965701 4.908943 5.066627
## [145] 5.143136 5.026201 4.887138 5.081536 4.834420 4.992977 5.056549 4.952011
## [153] 5.007318 4.999229 5.100085 4.974104 4.928915 4.898238 4.971568 4.932503
## [161] 4.973324 4.819234 4.993121 4.975160 5.000618 5.070849 4.922183 4.961617
## [169] 5.133215 4.956828 4.909355 5.087964 4.932740 5.043739 5.195457 4.926687
## [177] 5.167399 4.994013 4.972398 5.055593 5.172230 4.932467 4.892969 5.118069
## [185] 5.043270 4.988469 5.070476 5.085567 5.012015 5.111663 4.909064 5.002360
## [193] 4.935074 5.093028 5.082830 4.892612 5.023616 5.092829 4.925345 4.854136
## [201] 5.047619 4.871046 5.076407 4.863017 5.153168 4.985827 5.125810 4.960321
## [209] 4.897078 5.001057 4.992500 5.077621 5.067592 4.966761 4.930875 4.947610
## [217] 4.947559 4.854102 5.006722 5.019524 4.893176 5.099437 5.078081 5.140764
## [225] 5.036665 4.957833 5.064297 5.091125 5.051014 5.072620 4.903325 4.861176
## [233] 5.054072 4.982208 4.954110 5.065653 5.022430 4.933200 4.974203 4.986053
## [241] 4.980907 4.845894 4.948996 4.915864 4.968373 5.041304 4.894291 4.992567
## [249] 4.918798 4.949758 5.000819 5.021279 4.994410 5.077585 5.044712 5.139652
## [257] 4.964550 4.953792 4.947632 5.020363 4.926986 4.857973 4.911075 5.070090
## [265] 5.021562 4.981289 4.971433 4.895640 4.827018 5.040485 4.889009 5.243656
## [273] 5.110604 4.923836 5.053839 5.105188 4.985393 4.966379 5.126044 4.939572
## [281] 4.995708 5.093679 4.921617 4.997481 5.005913 5.041243 4.970092 4.945560
## [289] 4.980700 5.066500 5.144286 5.094730 4.916318 4.981146 4.969164 5.051020
## [297] 5.016804 5.018206 5.036075 4.982061 4.952599 4.874060 5.139154 4.933238
## [305] 5.016511 4.946952 4.939957 5.170887 4.908628 5.004941 5.116198 4.984626
## [313] 5.118785 5.009919 4.873520 5.082115 4.949654 4.995518 5.030741 4.894851
## [321] 4.931442 4.865323 4.923871 5.013920 4.977341 5.117683 4.927689 4.994578
## [329] 5.028538 4.761615 5.034992 4.984235 5.042829 5.012016 4.990987 5.146849
## [337] 5.038041 5.007875 4.888911 4.978769 5.125958 4.863964 4.893115 5.033412
## [345] 5.016475 4.825253 5.049961 4.968168 5.026785 4.994738 5.014517 5.014009
## [353] 5.051825 5.057331 4.868613 4.944798 4.873318 4.988611 4.867318 4.940251
## [361] 4.924199 5.015969 4.943485 5.107968 4.867433 5.046453 5.057596 5.006065
## [369] 4.975251 4.983702 4.987819 4.955362 4.796693 4.896598 4.889347 5.075057
## [377] 4.973138 5.059176 5.124781 5.016600 5.105762 4.890326 5.174030 5.014188
## [385] 5.034884 5.012346 5.060907 5.082269 4.797307 4.911095 5.026603 5.111104
## [393] 5.018674 4.989036 5.093952 5.127597 5.045923 5.040408 4.988382 4.941080
## [401] 5.028816 4.955356 4.931682 4.914562 4.993173 4.839455 4.912091 5.117946
## [409] 4.879543 4.996856 4.889823 4.977463 5.033807 5.057309 5.032523 5.099290
## [417] 4.984115 4.859653 4.938532 4.890057 4.846291 4.857286 5.105378 5.040327
## [425] 5.116357 5.015412 5.126495 4.980972 4.906177 4.776651 5.024350 4.964632
## [433] 5.235392 4.957219 4.846627 4.986407 4.786100 4.904838 4.834393 5.064527
## [441] 4.986290 4.741013 5.072512 5.100946 4.973761 5.037719 4.935505 5.095819
## [449] 4.800759 4.881825 4.939409 5.046525 5.036902 4.959067 5.084667 4.887347
## [457] 4.887914 5.069749 4.812720 4.791191 5.087173 5.069333 4.993685 5.064367
## [465] 5.168320 5.067669 5.095691 4.820447 5.104252 5.004527 4.992027 5.128721
## [473] 4.846729 4.983092 4.969123 5.111080 4.945395 4.995962 5.035266 5.189729
## [481] 4.894512 5.064435 4.962645 4.908236 5.176564 5.054324 5.026688 5.058799
## [489] 5.009483 5.043745 4.856548 5.074596 5.169184 5.056804 5.006073 5.005020
## [497] 5.101635 5.025548 5.063826 4.984970

Let’s plot the density histogram for the sample means (we use xlim = argument to set x-axis limits and make them compatible to the ones in the density curve plot).

hist(sample_means, freq = FALSE, breaks = 15, xlim = c(4.5, 5.5))

You can also add the CLT density curve to the plot using lines(...) function.

hist(sample_means, freq = FALSE, breaks = 15, xlim = c(4.5, 5.5))
lines(x = grid, y = density)  

The density histogram looks like a normal distribution!

Finally, we check that the expectation and variance of the distribution histogram are consistent with \(\mu =5\) and \(\frac{\sigma^2}n=\frac{8.3333}{1000}\).

## [1] 4.996577
## [1] 0.008113006

Find probabilities

To find a probability \(P(X\leq q)\) we use functions that start with “p”.


For example, the following function will find the probability \(P(X\leq -1)\) where \(X\sim N(10, 5^2).\) (Use the normal distribution table form Quercus to check this result)

pnorm(q = -1, mean = 10, sd = 5)
## [1] 0.01390345

If you want to find \(P(X\geq q)\) instead, set lower.tail = FALSE.

pnorm(q = -1, mean = 10, sd = 5, lower.tail = FALSE)
## [1] 0.9860966

To solve the reverse problem (find a quantile of a distribution, e.g. value \(a\) such that \(P(X\leq a) = 0.25\)) we use functions that start with “q”.


For example, the following function will find the 25-th percentile of t-distribution with 10 degrees of freedom. (Use the t-distribution table form Quercus to find this quantile and compare this result to the R output)

qt(0.25, df = 10)
## [1] -0.6998121

Statistical testing

In this part we will learn how to do statistical testing in R.

First, let’s generate a sample.

sample = rnorm(30, 0, 1)
##  [1]  1.262954285 -0.326233361  1.329799263  1.272429321  0.414641434
##  [6] -1.539950042 -0.928567035 -0.294720447 -0.005767173  2.404653389
## [11]  0.763593461 -0.799009249 -1.147657009 -0.289461574 -0.299215118
## [16] -0.411510833  0.252223448 -0.891921127  0.435683299 -1.237538422
## [21] -0.224267885  0.377395646  0.133336361  0.804189510 -0.057106774
## [26]  0.503607972  1.085769362 -0.690953840 -1.284599354  0.046726172

To conduct statistical testing for the population mean \(\mu\) we use t.test(...) function.


The following code will use sample to check \(H_0: \mu = 0\) vs. \(H_a: \mu \neq 0\).

Note that you can use

t.test(x = sample, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, conf.level = 0.95)
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  sample
## t = 0.13152, df = 29, p-value = 0.8963
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.3193943  0.3632959
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x 
## 0.02195079

In the output of t.test(...) function you get the following information:

To run statistical testing for proportions we use binom.test(...) function. Note that, in this case, argument x = corresponds to the “number of successes” and n = is the “number of trials”.

For example, if we got 65 successful outcomes out of 100 trials and we want to test \(H_0: p = 0.5\) vs. \(H_a: p > 0.5\) at the significance level \(\alpha = 0.8\) we would run the following code:

binom.test(x = 65, n = 100, p = 0.5, alternative = "greater", conf.level = 0.8)
##  Exact binomial test
## data:  65 and 100
## number of successes = 65, number of trials = 100, p-value = 0.001759
## alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is greater than 0.5
## 80 percent confidence interval:
##  0.6037246 1.0000000
## sample estimates:
## probability of success 
##                   0.65

Tn the output of binom.test(...) function you get: