Question 1
Alice took a test with 100 Yes/No questions (a very long one!).
- Let \(Y\) be the random variable
representing the proportion of questions that Alice correctly
answered. If \(p\) is the probability
for Alice to answer one question correctly, what is the expectation and
variance of \(Y\)?
- What is the approximate distribution of \(Y\)?
- Alice received the tests results and she got 65 questions correctly.
Use this information to find the estimates for \(E(Y)\) and \(Var(Y).\)
- The Professor wants to understand if Alice was randomly guessing the
answers on the test. To do so, the Professor decided to compute the 95%
confidence interval for \(p\). Find
this interval.
- If Alice was randomly guessing the answers on the test, what would
be the value of \(p\)?
- Use 4 and 5 to answer the following question: is it likely that
Alice was randomly guessing the answers on the test?
- Now compute the 99% confidence interval for \(p\). Is it wider that the 90% confidence
- Are we still sure that Alice did not randomly guessed the
Question 2
Elon Musk wants to estimate the average salary in startups in the
Silicone Valley.
- An insider shared that the salary in a Silicone Valley startup
ranges between 150K and 450K and follows uniform distribution. Use the
fact that \(E(X) = \frac{a+b}{2}\) and
\(Var(X)=\frac{(b-a)^2}{12}\) for \(X\sim Uniform(a,b)\) to compute the
expectation and variance of the salary in a Silicone Valley
- Let \(Y\) be the random variable
representing the average salary in 30 randomly chosen startups. What
would be the distribution of \(Y\)?
- Elon Musk knows the salaries in 30 startups in the Silicon
## [1] 229.7 261.6 321.9 422.5 210.5 419.5 433.4 348.2 338.7 168.5 211.8 203.0
## [13] 356.1 265.2 381.0 299.3 365.3 447.6 264.0 383.2 430.4 213.6 345.5 187.7
## [25] 230.2 265.8 154.0 264.7 410.9 252.1
He computed the mean of this sample:
## [1] 302.8633
In addition, an insider shared that the variance of the salary in a
Silicone Valley startup is \(7500\).
Use this information to help Elon Musk computing the 80% confidence
interval for the average salary in startups in the Silicone Valley.
- Elon Musk just bought a startup and he wants to attract more
talented engineers to the company. Use answer in the previous question
to recommend Elon Musk the good salary for the startup.
- Elon Musk doesnโt trust the insider anymore, so he computed the
variance of his sample.
## [1] 7847.569
Use this information to help Elon Musk computing the 80% confidence
interval for the average salary in startups in the Silicone Valley. Did
we get wider confidence interval?